About Me

Hi! I'm a fourth-year student at UC Berkeley studying EECS and Data Science who hopes to combine my experience with computer and data sciences with my passion for health and social good. I also aim to inspire conversations about diversity, intersectionality, and social responsibility in the workplace.

As a student who discovered CS without any prior experience, I've had my share of struggles, from taking challenging courses to navigating a field that's so new to me yet so familiar to so many of my peers. This motivated me to become a TA in order to support other students with their computer science journeys. Currently, I work as a Teaching Assistant for Data 100, which covers a variety of topics surrounding data science including mathematical principles, data manipulation and visualization, machine learning, and human contexts and ethics. In the past, I've been a TA for CS 61A, the introductory CS course at Berkeley, and also been a member of Computer Science Mentors, which serves the computer science community via tutoring sessions and other educational development.

When I'm not studying or working, I enjoy hanging out with friends, reading YA fiction, and cooking tasty meals. Some of my other interests include gardening, photography and modeling, and writing. In my opinion, the best way to start the day is with a good cup of tea.